OSD – Remove Builtin Apps from Windows 10
For those not using LTSB but still want to remove all those builtin apps that come with Windows 10, the following script is what you need!
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# Functions function Write-LogEntry { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Value added to the RemovedApps.log file.")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Value, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Name of the log file that the entry will written to.")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$FileName = "RemovedApps.log" ) # Determine log file location $LogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $env:windir -ChildPath "Temp\$($FileName)" # Add value to log file try { Add-Content -Value $Value -LiteralPath $LogFilePath -ErrorAction Stop } catch [System.Exception] { Write-Warning -Message "Unable to append log entry to RemovedApps.log file" } } # Get a list of all apps Write-LogEntry -Value "Starting appx package removal" $AppArrayList = Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers | Select-Object -Property Name, PackageFullName | Sort-Object -Property Name # White list of appx packages to keep installed $WhiteListedApps = @( "Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller", "Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp" "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator", "Microsoft.WindowsStore", "Microsoft.XboxApp", "Microsoft.Windows.Photos", "Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp", "Windows.PrintDialog", "Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider", "Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager", "windows.immersivecontrolpanel", "Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge", "Microsoft.MSPaint", "Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI", "Microsoft.WindowsCamera", "Microsoft.Wallet", "Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay", "Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay", "Microsoft.XboxGameCallableui", "Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub" ) # Loop through the list of appx packages foreach ($App in $AppArrayList) { # If application name not in appx package white list, remove AppxPackage and AppxProvisioningPackage if (($App.Name -in $WhiteListedApps)) { Write-LogEntry -Value "Skipping excluded application package: $($App.Name)" } else { # Gather package names $AppPackageFullName = Get-AppxPackage -Name $App.Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PackageFullName $AppProvisioningPackageName = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -like $App.Name } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PackageName # Attempt to remove AppxPackage try { Write-LogEntry -Value "Removing application package: $($AppPackageFullName)" Remove-AppxPackage -Package $AppPackageFullName -ErrorAction Stop } catch [System.Exception] { Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message } # Attempt to remove AppxProvisioningPackage if ($AppProvisioningPackageName -ne $null) { try { Write-LogEntry -Value "Removing application provisioning package: $($AppProvisioningPackageName)" Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -PackageName $AppProvisioningPackageName -Online -ErrorAction Stop } catch [System.Exception] { Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message } } } } # White list of Features On Demand V2 packages Write-LogEntry -Value "Starting Features on Demand V2 removal" $WhiteListOnDemand = "NetFX3|Tools.Graphics.DirectX|Tools.DeveloperMode.Core|Language|Browser.InternetExplorer|Media.WindowsMediaPlayer" # Get Features On Demand that should be removed $OnDemandFeatures = Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object { $_.Name -notmatch $WhiteListOnDemand -and $_.State -like "Installed"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name foreach ($Feature in $OnDemandFeatures) { try { Write-LogEntry -Value "Removing feature on demand: $($Feature)" Get-WindowsCapability -Online -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.Name -like $Feature } | Remove-WindowsCapability -Online -ErrorAction Stop } catch [System.Exception] { Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message } } |
This will blanket remove all apps unless in the $WhiteListedApps array. To get a list of the apps you need to run:
1 |
Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers | Select-Object -Property Name, PackageFullName | Sort-Object -Property Name |
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